it is a Shared Steam Account Only Used in Offline Mode!
This is a GENERAL STEAM account, used offline only!
INSTANT DELIVERY immediately after purchase!
Instant delivery 24/7!
The product is shipped as a Steam account.
Lifetime warranty on the product you purchased.
Type of delivery (ID – Password)
Unlimited Access Guaranteed!
No activation or use of activators!
After ordering, simple instructions will be sent.
Accounts are personal and legally purchased by us!
What are the benefits of buying the product?
You can buy the game for 99% cheaper than in the store.
You download and play the game from the original platform.
Does not require the use of any additional programs.
You play the game offline in its original form at an affordable price!
The product only comes with an active offline history mode. You can download the game and start from scratch with your own saves.
– Comes as a “Steam” account. His information does not change. It only works on 1 PC you have installed. Other PC needs to be purchased separately.
– This product is not suitable for playing on the PlayKey/GeForce NOW platform. You can only use it on your personal computer.
– Product information delivered immediately after purchase.
– Lifetime warranty;
With this product, you do not run the risk of having problems accessing your account.
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